The Church of God has been a prominent figure in the Atlanta community. Throughout the years, the members of the Church of God have been faithfully sharing God’s love through various volunteer activities including environmental cleanups, blood drives, and community beautification campaigns. The Atlanta City Council has repeatedly recognized the efforts of the Church of God in Atlanta and presented awards to them for their leadership and willingness to serve with the Love of a Mother. This is all done with the hopes of leading people closer to the Kingdom of Heaven.
119 የቡንዳንግ ፖ.ሳ.ቁ፣ ቡንዳንግ-ጉ፣ ሲኦንግናም-ሲ፣ ግዮንጊ-ዶ፣ የኮሪያ ሪፐብ.
ስልክ 031-738-5999 ፋክስ 031-738-5998
ዋና ምስሪያ ቤት፡ 50፣ ሱኒ_ሮ ፣ ቡንዳኔግ_ጉ፣ ሲዮንግያም_ሲ፣ ግዋንጊዶ_ሲ፣ የኮሪያ ሪፐብ.
ዋና ቤተ ክርስቲያን፡ 35፣ ፓንግዮዬክ_ ሮ ቡንዳንግ _ጉ፣ ሶንግያም ሲ፣ ጊዮኔጊ_ዱ፣ የኮሪያ ሪፐብ.
World Mission Society Church of God ሁሉም መብቶች የተጠብቁ ናቸው። ግላዊ ደኅንነት