This world is a transient world that will vanish away like a dream overnight. The real world that is full of eternal happiness and joy is in the Kingdom of Heaven. That’s why God tells us to set our hearts on things above, not on earthly things.
Just as Satan tempted Jesus with the physical things of this earth, he is tempting mankind in the same way. However, the members of the Church of God only live according to the words of God, setting our hearts on things above.
119 Bundang P.O.Box, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of KOREA
Tel 031-738-5999 Fax 031-738-5998
Head Office: 50, Sunae-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of Korea
Main Church: 35, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of Korea
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