Just as the angel Lucifer and the king of Tyre, who were in a glorious position in heaven, betrayed God because of their arrogance, wanting to exalt themselves above God, all mankind sinned in heaven and came down to this earth, and was predestined for punishment in hell. However, God Himself became the sacrifice for the sin offering at every worship service and gave us the forgiveness of sins.
For about 1,500 years from the time of Moses to the time of Jesus, God allowed us to receive the forgiveness of sins through the blood of the sacrifice of male and female animals on the Sabbath day, and at each feast. Through the old covenant, God lets us know the sacrifice and love of God the Mother who is the reality of the new covenant, and shows us the sacrifice of Christ Ahnsahnghong, who shed His blood on the cross as a testament to His love for mankind.
“A man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and put them in a ceremonially clean place outside the camp. They shall be kept by the Israelite community for use in the water of cleansing; it is for purification from sin.”
Numbers 19:9
“ ‘But if just one person sins unintentionally, he must bring a year-old female goat for a sin offering.’ ”
Numbers 15:27
This is what the LORD says: “Where is your mother’s certificate of divorce with which I sent her away? Or to which of my creditors did I sell you? Because of your sins you were sold; because of your transgressions your mother was sent away.”
Isaiah 50:1
119 Bundang P.O.Box, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of KOREA
Tel 031-738-5999 Fax 031-738-5998
Head Office: 50, Sunae-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of Korea
Main Church: 35, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of Korea
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